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Patterns Colors Structures

Welcome to my Abstract Art Studio!
joanna abstract artists

About me

In my stu­dio I work with colour, form and texture in order to achieve an abs­tract expres­sion of my emo­tions and ideas. I draw inspi­ra­tion from nature, music and per­so­nal expe­rien­ces. Expe­ri­men­ta­tion plays a big role in my cre­ative pro­cess and intu­ition guides my work. Thro­ugh the use of various tech­ni­ques such as drip­ping, splat­te­ring, and lay­ering I cre­ate com­plex, multi-dimen­sio­nal pie­ces that invite eve­ry­one to explore and engage with their own emo­tions and feelings.

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